


Machine Depliant (pdf)...

This beading machine represents a sophisticated evolution of normal beading machines.

Due to its requisites it is built in a perfect and advantageous manner also for heavy-duty jobs without requiring specific skill. The machine is built of welded steel-sheets which have been annealed so to offer maximum sturdiness. By means of appropriate optionals and rollers it enables beading, flanging, ribbing, and also cutting operations. The shafts are actuated simultaneously and move parallel with a large extension of center distance. The rollers always maintain a perfect parallelism so to enable perfect jobs also in exacting operations.

The variable drive speed enables optimum work speed in order to utilize fully features of the machine and be the best in the field of beading machines.

Standard equipment: 1 sliding guide - set of service spanners. Extra accessories: cutting rollers - beading rollers - special equipment.